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Business Research: Support & contact

Library consultation hour, available Thu & Fri

When? Thu & Fri

Where? BR.B.07 (Library)

Time?   11:30AM-12:30 PM


On Thu & Fri, the information specialists organize a consultation hour on location (Library Brusselseweg BR.B.07), so that you can ask your questions about literature research. You can find the information specialist between 11:30AM-12:30PM in the Library Brusselseweg (Br.B.07).

Is it too busy or do you prefer to be helped online? Use the Ask your librarian button.


Do you have questions about literature research? We would be happy to speak to you during the consultation hour!


 The information specialists of the Llibrary Brusselseweg 

Questions about information literacy?

Hopefully, the tips in this guide will help you get on with your business research! But maybe that was only part of your assignment....

Should you need to write a literature review, desk research or scientific article summary, you can find more tips in this guide:



This LibGuide is based on the Libguide Business Research Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen. | Disclaimer | Over Zuyd Bibliotheek