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CINAHL (English): 4. Saving & using search results

Use your search results

If you have found helpfulresults, you will naturally get the most out of them. To do this, you will find some tips on this page.

Save your Search Results

Create a CINAHL account via the Sign In ► Sign Up button (using your Zuyd e-mail address).

► If you are signed in, your searches will be saved.
► If you are signed in, you can place article references in a folder. This is convenient if you later want to assess their suitability.

► Click the folder icon next to an article reference to save it to your personal CINAHL folder.

Citation Help

You can either copy article (APA7) references from CINAHL or download them and open them in EndNote

► Choose Cite or Export.


Verify carefully wether the APA references automatically generated in CINAHL are correct. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition) is made for this purpose.

Click here to consult the APA guidelines on the website of the American Psychological Association.
► Click here to download a short guide of common reference examples.

(Click on the book cover to borrow the manual from Zuyd Library.) | Disclaimer | Over Zuyd Bibliotheek