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Managementproject (HMSM): Statline App

Ondersteuning bij het afstudeerproject Hotel Management School Maastricht | Support for the final project Hotel Management School Maastricht

CBS StatLine (NL)

CBS Statline (E)

About the Statline App

How to find data about spending: Consumption Household - Food (Info Clip)

About the Statline App
The app comprises all data in StatLine <>, Statistics Netherlands’ online database. The main differences between the app and StatLine is that the web app displays the requested data directly as a graph, while StatLine generates a table. The app has a lower threshold and is suitable for users who are not familiar with StatLine. Moreover, the app has been optimised for tablets. It can also be used on desktops and laptops, but smartphone screens are too small to use the app optimally.

How to use Statline | Disclaimer | Over Zuyd Bibliotheek