Zuyd Library has entered into an agreement with Statista
Zuyd students and staff now have free access to this portal for statistics and will have immediate access to over one million statistics and facts.
About Statista
Statista is one of the world’s largest statistics portals and provides you with a research tool to access data from national and international market research institutes.
Watch the clip for an overview in less than 2 minutes.
You can access Statista on and off-campus through the library's A-Z Databases list.
At home use or bookmark this link only: https://zuyd.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.statista.com
Tips for better search results
There are several ways to find content on the Statista platform.
Watch the following clip: searching explained in 3 minutes
Or read the detailed online explanation on the Statista platform