Through Zuyd Library, the search bar of this hospitality database is set up in such a way that you always begin with advanced search. In this process, you have two options:
The Hospitality & Tourism Database is hosted by EBSCO, just like Zuyd Library's DiZ search engine.
There are advanced functionalities within EBSCO that function exactly the same way in the Hospitality database.
For instance: determining the type of search field, filtering search results, etc.
Please refer to the brief explanation of both search strategies at the bottom.
What factors contribute to promoting job satisfaction and fulfillment to enhance employee loyalty in the hotel industry?
The 3 concepts are: promoting / job satisfaction or fulfillment / loyalty.
Used techniques:
► exact phrase = exact word combination: "job satisfaction"
► truncation = abbreviate with a punctuation mark to search for all variants from that base: loyal*
Ebsco Tutorials. (2022). EBSCOhost Advanced Searching [video]. YouTube.
QUESTION: To what extent does the design and ambiance of the hotel bar contribute to the success of the hotel?
The 3 concepts are: design or ambiance / bar / hotel.
Used techniques:
1. In this search strategy 'truncation' is being used with *
► searching for the word hotel but also the plural hotels
2. For the key word bar, truncation was NOT chosen, but a search with bar OR bars
► searching with bar* would mean that you ALSO search for barriers, barn, barcelona and so much more: not convenient.
The result from this search strategy is 1701 hits. This result can still be filtered. To do this, look in the left menu.
For example: