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Intercultural Hospitality - Global Explorer Report: Home

About this LibGuide

Knowledge portal with information sources for Module 4. Here you will find an overview of books, databases, websites, etc., which may be helpful with the desk and field research, the writing and presenting of the research report: "The Global Explorer".

Contents of this guide:

  • Research / GEI
    • APA & referencing
    • AI & Literature search
  • Databases
  • Culture
  • Sustainability & Human Rights
  • Marketing

At the outset, take the following ACTIONS!

  1. Set up access to digital resources outside campus/school premises within 3 minutes. Install the Lean Library Access Tool. Click here for information.
  2. Establish access to digital content via Google Scholar using the Fulltext@Zuyd extension within 3 minutes. Click here for a brief explanation.
  3. Bookmark this LibGuide and the library's homepage for quick access.

Zuyd Library website

Source: The European Union (2021) 



Liesbeth Ramaekers

Hospitality, Tourism
endnote, APA

 Facebook Page LinkedIn Page Twitter Page YouTube Page

Jill Penders

Economics & Languages,
Social Work, Endnote, APA

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