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Information for International Business students

About this LibGuide

Zuyd Library Staff has designed this LibGuide for International Business Maastricht. This guide is a flexible tool with links to the Zuyd Library Search Engine DiZ, Portal and Catalogue, books, (online) articles, databases, websites and other resources. Subject-specialist librarians IB: Lilian van de Burgt and Judith Wieringa.This LibGuide is a work in progress, check this guide for future updates.

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. Mail to

Discover information sources Zuyd (DiZ)

Zuyd Library Online Journals

Enter a search term or browse by subjects to find journals or (full text) articles about your subject.

Search scholarly articles

Using Google Scholar, instead of regular Google, will lead you to reliable, scholarly information. 

Watch the infoclip:

Infographic Library Brusselseweg

How to search and find online sources?

► How to search and find online sources
Providing and receiving remote education is a challenge for both students and teachers. You will need to search and find all content in digital format. For tips, click here.

How to use the Zuyd Library search engine: DiZ

DiZ, an acronym for “Discover information sources Zuyd" is Zuyd Library's very own search engine with which you can perform an integrated search through the library catalogue and electronic sources.

Direct access to databases via your browser

Library Access is a browser extension that you can add to your favorite browser. This Library Access browser extension makes it simple to access academic articles, journals and databases licensed by Zuyd Library, wherever you are and whenever you need it.  

For download see


Getting to know Zuyd Library

Follow the short module "Getting  to know Zuyd Library" for an introduction to the possibilities of the (digital) library. Following the module takes about 20 minutes.

Does this make you want more? Then follow the A and/or B Information skills training module(s) or Generative AI & Literature research module. Here you will learn Which databases are available (A), What is a LibGuide (A), How to access the quality of information (A), How to start a literature search (B), Where to find literature in your field (B), where can Copilot help during your literature search etc.

IB student products

NB final theses are confidential

Ask Your Librarian @ IBS Maastricht

IB subject librarian

Judith Wieringa
043-34 66 620 | Disclaimer | Over Zuyd Bibliotheek