Besides the Search manager, the PICO search can also be used to build a search. If you only use one search term per building block, this search engine works easily and efficiently.
► Is your search complex and does it include many synonyms? Then use the Search manager.
Start typing in the search bar. A drop-down menu appears with search terms you could use.
► Choose Lookup (see below) to see which possible keywords are broader or narrower than Hearing Disorder.
► Preferably use broader search terms to avoid missing relevant results.
E.g.: Use Hearing Disorder instead of Hearing Loss.
► The search engine automatically recognises which (PICO) building block your keyword probably belongs to.
It can be useful to filter your search results. You are offered filters for each of your PICO building blocks. Use these to make your search results more specific.
► Filters you applied will now also appear in the search bar. Remove them by clicking the minus (-) sign.
Cochrane also contains sets in which the building blocks are already placed together. These can be found on the home page of Cochrane Library. (Scroll down.)
► Click one of these sets to automatically fill the PICO search engine.
► You can add or remove search terms from the PICO set. You are also offered filter options.