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Embase (English): 2. Emtree

About Emtree

Emtree is a thesaurus with standardised search terms (similar to MeSH terms). All articles in Embase are indexed according to Emtree. This means that Embase articles are labelled using Emtree terms. Searching with Emtree terms helps to search simultaneously with synonyms so you don't miss any results.

► Use Emtree to create a complete list of synonyms before starting your research.

Emtree vs. MeSH

What's the difference between Emtree and MeSH?

Emtree was once designed along the lines of MeSH. Over the years, Emtree has grown into a much more comprehensive thesaurus. All MeSH terms are also included in Emtree and, in addition, Emtree includes over 40 thousand terms not known in MeSH. This allows you to search Embase on a more specific level.

TIP Using Emtree terms may not give the desired results. You can then use the Mapping Options button. Here you can, for example, instruct it to use narrower search terms as well. Or to also use your Emtree terms as free search terms.


PICO Example

In this LibGuide, we use this PICO to show you how to find relevant literature using Embase:

P      Heart Failure

I       Exercise Program

C      Regular Care

O      Improved Quality of Life

Translate Search Terms

Use one of these options to find adequate translations:

Google (+ 'English') en Google Translate
Van Dale Online (sign in via SURF)

Using Emtree

Open Emtree via the bar at the top of the screen. Now you can navigate through the tree structure in Emtree to find out which terms are used in the thesaurus. You can also search Emtree with your own keywords.

Searching by Emtree terms

Have you found an Emtree term you want to use? Then choose one of these options:

Click Show 649,751 results to perform a search with the Emtree term you opened: then use filters to narrow down the search result.

If you want to add more Emtree terms, choose (+) Add to query builder. Here you can combine your terms using boolean operators (AND / OR / NOT).

You can also choose Take to Advanced search (via \/): this will place the Emtree term in the Advanced search screen and you can start building your search further. The Advanced search option, unlike the query builder, offers the possibility to select certain search fields (such as Title-Abstract). Or to refine your search in other ways. | Disclaimer | Over Zuyd Bibliotheek