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Embase (English): 5. From PubMed to Embase

From PubMed to Embase

If you have already searched PubMed first, you just need to translate your search strategy to Embase. Follow these two steps.

Step 1: Evaluate your Search Strategy critically

Did your PubMed search yield few or no relevant results?  
► Evaluate your Search Strategy critically.

Too many results?

If you have many irrelevant results, try refining your search:

► Search for articles from specific years using Date.
► Filter by a particular Study type, such as Clinical Trial, Randomised Controlled Trial or Systematic Review
► Look up your Emtree terms via the Major focus function: enter your Emtree term and choose Major focus from the drop-down menu.

You can also refine your search by using additional or different search terms. Or search in other fields (such as: Title or Abstract).

Not enough results?

Try to find more search results using these options:

► Look in relevant articles that you do find which Emtree terms are linked to them: add these to your search strategy.
► Complete your search with broader Emtree terms (e.g. not just acute heart failure, but also heart failure).
► Leave out (too) specific elements of your search strategy.

Step 2: Translate your MeSH terms

MeSH and Emtree each use their own vocabulary. Therefore, you cannot translate your MeSH terms to Emtree one-to-one.

► For each MeSH term, look up the relevant Emtree terms manually.
!   TIP Sometimes one MeSH term corresponds with several Emtree terms: make sure you use all relevant terms.

► Emtree is subdivided differently from the MeSH Database: therefore, if you choose the Explode function in both Embase and PubMed, your searches are usually not identical.
► This also affects the number of sources you find.

Compare the breakdown of Heart Failure in Emtree and the MeSH Database


Bèta: Query Translator

Embase is experimenting with something new: the Query Translator can help you to translate your PubMed query to the Embase syntax.

► The Query Translator helps finding a suiting Emtree concept for your used MeSH terms.
► Also field codes (e.g. Title-Abstract) are converted into the Embase syntax.

Be aware that the Query Translator doesn't work flawless yet. It is a beta version. | Disclaimer | Over Zuyd Bibliotheek