Welcome in the LibGuide for Applied Sciences. You'll find here:
Image from Fulvio Ciccolo via Unsplash
For those wondering what an information professional does: I am the liaison from the library for the Applied Science programme. It is a support function, both for teachers and students. An information professional knows how to find important and reliable information. I know how to work in various databases. I try to convey this in lessons to help teachers and students increase their information literacy. Teachers or students can also contact information professionals on an individual basis. I also manage the collection for the Applied Science course. If you have any requests, please let me know.
Direct access to Full Text articles and publications, also in Scholar.
Lean Library Access is an extension for your web browser. It watches your searches. If you come across an article the library has a subscription to, you can log in directly via Zuyd. Now you get to see the full article.
► Download via our website.
Via DiZ you can discover over 50 databases at once. Convenient and efficient!
Image AI Lands van XK Studio & Google DeepMind
via Better Images of AI
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Explore our LibGuide Generative AI.
Welcome to the tutorial Getting to know Zuyd Library. This tutorial is part of the Information Skills curriculum. The study time is approximately 20 minutes.
Learning objectives:
After completing this tutorial, you will be aware of:
Visit Zuyd Library's website for quick access to our catalogue, our search engine DiZ (Search Information Sources Zuyd) or any of the various databases licensed by Zuyd.
For more information on copyright, practice-based research and information literacy, please visit the portals in the menu on the left.
Watch the clip below to get a full idea of the services provided by Zuyd Library Nieuw Eyckholt.