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LibGuide Conservatorium Maastricht (Academy of Music)


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CD collection @ Centre Ceramique (Maastricht City Library)

Foto: Raymond SnijdersCD collection
Classical, modern, jazz, folk music, regional. All music genres are represented in the CD collection of Centre Céramique. This collection is refreshed weekly with the latest releases. And not only with CDs, but also increasingly with music DVDs. The extensive CD and DVD collections are located at the third floor, as well as three CD players provided for general use.

  • Borrowing costs for CD's : €2.00 per CD/DVD

TIP: Rooms for instrument practice
Also on the third floor there are three “Muziekstudiecellen” which are closed rooms offering a place for instrument practice, one with piano for public use and all three have music stands as standard. Take a look at: 

​Conservatorium Maastricht students can apply for a free membership of the Centre Céramique (Maastricht City Library). To register, show a valid student ID + written confirmation of enrollment at Zuyd + identity card.

Muziekweb (streaming audio) @ Centre Ceramique

'Muziekwebluister' is a service that allows Centre Céramique members to listen to the complete collection of Muziekweb. A large streaming audio collection with more than 6 million tracks (classical music, jazz, pop, world music etc). In addition a wealth of information is also offered on albums, artists and genres. Unfortunately, 'Muziekweb' is only available in Dutch.

You can only use this streaming audio service within the Centre Céramique building.


Video-on-demand service: Jazz, Soul, Funk, Classical & World Music

Qwest TV EDU: this subscription product from Qwest TV preserves diverse live performances, covering the evolution of jazz and beyond — representing funk, soul, hip-hop, folk, indie, electronic, blues, and other eclectic world genres. Co-created by Quincy Jones & Reza Ackbaraly, this unique collection of highly curated titles makes timeless concerts and global music accessible for research, teaching, and learning. Access Qwest TV (Edu) here ►►

Living the classical life

Streaming video @ Beeld en Geluid op School (Dutch only)

'Beeld en Geluid op school' gives online access to thousands of hours of streaming content for higher education in the Netherlands, selected from the archives of the Netherlands Institute "Beeld en Geluid'. Material consists of  news films (Polygoon journaals), amateur films and programs from public broadcasting,

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