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ManagementmodellenManagementmodellensite is een site van professionals voor professionals en van docenten voor studenten. Onze drive zit in het ontwikkelen van mensen en organisaties en modellen zijn daarbij een handig hulpmiddel. Of het nu gaat om een bondige uitleg van modellen, praktisch toepasbare tools en sjablonen of tips voor boeken en artikelen: managementmodellensite is dé site voor praktisch toepasbare informatie over modellen.
Vaklbladen Administratieve organisatie
CM : Controllers MagazineMateriaal: Tijdschrift Tijdschrift
Taal: Dutch
Jaar: 2015, Deventer een uitgave van Vakmedianet 2015
Verwante items
Beschrijving item: Nummer 1, maart 2015 - ...
Omslagondertitel: Voor de financieel professional met ambitie
Verschijnt 10x per jaar
Samensmelting van: Tijdschrift controlling, ISSN 1389-7713 + en: Tijdschrift administratie, ISSN 1388-2635 + en: Controllers magazine, ISSN 0926-7158
Fysieke beschrijving: 30 cm
Periodiciteit: Ligne: bewaartermijn 2 jaar
ISSN: 2405-8459
PPN: 390789291
Accounting and Business ResearchISSN: 0001-4788; 2159-4260
Subject (General): Accounting & Tax
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Additional information
Subject (Medical)
Business and Economics -- Business and Economics (General) -- Accounting
Subject (LC)
Social Sciences -- Commerce
Full Text Access
Taylor & Francis Library (SSH and ST)
1997-03-01 – Present
Accounting in EuropeISSN: 1744-9480; 1744-9499
Subject (General): Accounting & Tax
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Additional information
Subject (Medical)
Business and Economics -- Business and Economics (General) -- Accounting
Subject (LC)
Social Sciences -- Finance
Full Text Access
Business Source Ultimate
2004-09-01 – Present (Full Text Delay: 1 year)
Taylor & Francis Library (SSH and ST)
2004-09-01 – Present
Journal of Finance, Accounting and ManagementISSN: 2153-2818; 2153-2826
Subject (General): Banking, Finance & Investing; Accounting & Tax
Publisher: Global Strategic Management Inc
Additional information
Subject (Medical)
Business and Economics -- Finance; Business and Economics -- Business and Economics (General) -- Accounting
Subject (LC)
Social Sciences -- Finance; Social Sciences -- Commerce -- Business
Alternate Title
JFAM; Journal of finance, accounting, and management
Full Text Access
Business Source Ultimate
2010-07-01 – Present
Management Accounting ResearchISSN: 1044-5005; 1096-1224
Subject (General): Accounting & Tax
Publisher: Elsevier
Additional information
Subject (Medical)
Business and Economics -- Business and Economics (General) -- Accounting
Subject (LC)
Social Sciences -- Commerce -- Business
Alternate Title
Management accounting research /
Full Text Access
ScienceDirect Freedom Collection
1995-03-01 – Present
Databanken Administratieve organisatie
Academic Search UltimateThis link opens in a new windowA renowned scholarly resource providing superior full-text academic journals covering the major areas of academic research.
Business Source UltimateThis link opens in a new windowThe most popular database for Full-Text business publications.
DOAJ : Directory of Open Access JournalsThis link opens in a new windowThis service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. DOAJ aims to cover all subjects and languages.
InView EssentialThis link opens in a new windowInView Essential is een databank, die ook interessant is voor niet-juridische opleidingen. Deze databank bevat titels op het gebied van wetgeving, jurisprudentie en andere juridische literatuur, maar ook modules op het gebied van accountancy, facility management, sociale verzekeringen, onderwijs en personeel & arbeid.
ScienceDirectThis link opens in a new windowThe world's leading full-text scientific database.
SpringerLink HBO Journals & E-booksThis link opens in a new windowProviding researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols and reference works.
Taylor & Francis OnlineThis link opens in a new windowTaylor & Francis Online is a journal content platform that gives online access to all journals published by Taylor & Francis and Routledge, with a powerful search that makes it simple to discover the most relevant research for readers
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowUse this tool to evaluate the world's leading scientific and scholarly journals. It measures research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals.
Wiley Online LibraryThis link opens in a new windowWiley Online Library hosts the world's broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. Access Online Journals, view chapter summaries, download PDFs, save publications and chapters, search for related content, export citations, and click through to references.