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NIEUW: digitaal of in het boekenrek ...

De mens is een plofkip: hoe de voedingsindustrie ons ziek maakt

Een bespreking van de maatschappelijke gevolgen van onverantwoordelijke voedselproductie en -marketing. Het boek analyseert hoe de voedingsindustrie ervoor zorgt dat mensen zwaar bewerkt fabrieksvoedsel eten zonder voedingswaarde. Dit leidt tot gezondheidsproblemen en hoge maatschappelijke kosten. De industrie beweert dat consumenten zelf verantwoordelijk zijn voor hun eetgedrag, maar de auteur betwist dit. Het boek biedt ook een perspectief op de juiste maatregelen voor een gezondere toekomst. Leerzaam en onderhoudend geschreven. Teun van de Keuken (Amsterdam, 1971) is een bekende Nederlandse televisieproducent, columnist, presentator en journalist. Hij schreef een klein aantal boeken.

Plaatsingscode: 678 Keuk

Enneagram made easy: explore the nine personality types of the Enneagram to open your heart, find joy, and discover your true self (e-book)

The Enneagram is an archetypal personality system that identifies nine distinct types, each with its own set of characteristics, motivations, and patterns of behavior. In this book, Dr. Deborah Threadgill Egerton, globally respected psychotherapist and president of the International Enneagram Association, will help you to explore all the facets of the Enneagram and provide a deeper dive into each of the nine personality archetypes

Digital Access

Planning research in hospitality and tourism

Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism, 3rd Edition is an accessible, concise and practical guide to planning, conducting and analysing research in tourism and hospitality. Enriched with insightful case studies throughout, this volume is essential reading for all tourism and hospitality researchers

Placement Code: 300.6 Alti

The contemporary hotel industry: a people management perspective (e-book)

This book provides a detailed account of the global hotel industry with focus on managerial work and people management. The understanding of the managers' work from a people management perspective is critical for successful hotel operations; nevertheless, it is an under researched area. Based on existing literature and extensive research carried out by the authors over fifteen years, the book explores the different aspects of managerial work in global hotel industry settings and covers core topics such general management, leadership, education and training, skills and competencies, crisis management, and managing diversity. The book's findings suggest that senior managers (i.e. General Managers and Heads of Department) should adopt a people-centric management and leadership style while at the same time maintain operational efficiency. A unique book in terms of scale and depth, it offers useful insights in both theoretical and practical perspectives. Charalampos (Babis) Giousmpasoglou is a principal academic at Bournemouth University. Babis is well versed in the luxury hospitality industry with 20 years experience as a senior manager in Greece. His academic experience includes teaching in Greece, Bahrain, and the United Kingdom. His research interests focus on managerial work, Hospitality Management, and HRM. Evangelia (Lia) Marinakou is a Principal Academic at Bournemouth University. She has held faculty positions and served as department head in business schools in Greece, France, Switzerland, Bahrain, and the United Kingdom. Lia's research interests include Gender and Diversity Management, Leadership, and Talent Management in the Hospitality Industry.

Digital Access

Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics

With its unique combination of humour and step-by-step instruction, this award-winning book is the statistics lifesaver for everyone. From initial theory through to regression, factor analysis and multilevel modelling, Andy Field animates statistics and SPSS software with his famously bizarre examples and activities. Features: Flexible coverage to support students across disciplines and degree programmes Can support classroom or lab learning and assessment Analysis of real data with opportunities to practice statistical skills Highlights common misconceptions and errors A revamped online resource that uses video, case studies, datasets, testbanks and more to help students negotiate project work, master data management techniques, and apply key writing and employability skills Now fully up to date with latest versions of IBM SPSS Statistics©. All the online resources above (video, case studies, datasets, testbanks) can be easily integrated into your institution's virtual learning environment or learning management system. This allows you to customize and curate content for use in module preparation, delivery and assessment

Placement Code: 517.2 Fiel

AI, Ethics, and Discrimination in Business: AI, Ethics, and Discrimination in Business (e-book)

This book takes a historical approach to explore data, algorithms, their use in practice through applications of AI in various settings, and all of the surrounding ethical and DEI implications. Summarizing our current knowledge and highlighting gaps, it offers original examples from empirical research in various settings, such as healthcare, social media, and the GIG economy.

Digital Access

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Liesbeth Ramaekers

Economics & Languages, Hospitality,
Foodservice, Tourism, Minors


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Jill Penders

Economics & Languages,
Social Work, Endnote, APA


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Joan Zeguers-Lens

Economics & Languages; Hotelmanagement


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                  Nicolle Lanckohr


Economics & Languages, Gastronomic Hospitality


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