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NIEUW: digitaal of in het boekenrek ...

Future skills: the 20 skills and competencies everyone needs to succeed in a digital world

Placement Code: 454 Marr

The book describes the twenty most important skills for the future of work, outlines why they are so valuable, and provide tips and resources to help the reader improve those skills.

The psychology of organizational change: new insights on the antecedents and consequences of individual's responses to change

Placement Code: 366.11 Oreg

This volume brings together recent insights about the psychology of organizational change. The authors are leading scholars in the study of organizational change, taking on a micro-perspective for understanding the process through which responses to change emerge and impact work-related outcomes. Each chapter approaches the topic from a different perspective, highlighting a different aspect of the phenomenon.

Impactvol ondernemen in de praktijk: zelf verantwoordelijkheid nemen en samenwerken: zo doe je dat!

Plaatsingscode: 351.3  Ruit

Waarom zou je werk moeten maken van impact? Hoe pas je meervoudige waardecreatie toe op jouw rol binnen jouw bedrijf? Hoe doen collega’s van andere disciplines dit? Hoe kun je door een betere samenwerking en afstemming met collega’s zorgen voor meervoudige waardecreatie? Wat levert het nu eigenlijk allemaal op voor jouw bedrijf? Hoe zet je meervoudige waardecreatie in om de toekomst van jouw bedrijf veilig te stellen? In dit boek vind je de antwoorden op deze vragen.

Impactvol ondernemen - Studenteneditie: Meervoudige waardecreatie als basis voor een nieuwe bedrijfskundige aanpak!

Plaatsingscode: 366.43 Ruit

De studenteneditie van Impactvol ondernemen is bedoeld voor bachelor- en masterstudenten in het economisch domein van het hoger onderwijs. Het boek biedt actuele kennis over de activiteiten van bedrijven en ondernemers die maatschappelijke impact willen creëren. Denk aan commerciële bedrijven met een duidelijke winstdoelstelling, maar ook aan ondernemingen die positieve impact willen maken en winst een bijzaak vinden of vooral een middel om continuïteit te waarborgen

Business research methods

Placement Code: 300.6 Blum

This book is a one stop guide to all your research methods needs. It is tailored specifically towards business and management courses, and central to this edition is the balanced coverage of qualitative and quantitative methods to clearly and concisely lead students through the research process, whatever their project may be. Now in its much anticipated fifth edition, Business Research Methods has been revised and updated to reflect all the latest trends in research methodology. The integration of statistical issues, as well as coverage of web-based surveys, qualitative interviews, big data, and content analysis of social media, aims to support the current student experience.

Plant: botanische gastronomie uit de keuken van restaurant De Nieuwe Winkel

Plaatsingscode: 629.74 Staa

De wereld lijkt aan eten ten onder te gaan. Ga maar na: met onze verspillende manier van eten, onze fixatie op vlees en zuivel, het negeren van de seizoenen en onze voorliefde voor gemaksproducten brengen we de wereld met elke hap een stukje dichter bij de afgrond. Het moet anders. En het kán ook anders. Chef-kok Emile van der Staak van twee Michelinsterrenrestaurant De Nieuwe winkel is ervan overtuigd dat chefs daarin een voortrekkersrol kunnen spelen. Met hun ambacht en creativiteit kunnen ze mensen een weg wijzen naar een andere manier van eten. Eten dat minstens zo lekker is, maar meer in balans met alles om ons heen.

Digital customer success: why the next frontier of CS is digital and how you can leverage it to drive durable growth

Placement Code: 369.17 Meht

This book provides a detailed "How To" guide to Digital Customer Success to ensure you can meet the needs of your customers, investors and teammates. Learn the basics of Digital Customer Success Maturity model and the core tenets of how to get started, ideal organizational structures, success measurements and more. We will also showcase learnings and tips from organizaitons who are paving the way with their digital customer success strategies


Placement Code: 629.79 Brya

Pistachio: Savory & Sweet Recipes Inspired by World Cuisines celebrates the striking flavor of this jewellike, delectable nut. With over 60 recipes, authors Barbara Bryant and Georgeanne Brennan draw inspiration from the culinary traditions of Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, North Africa, Italy, Greece, Spain, France, and the Middle East, giving the dishes a contemporary spin. In addition to exploring their culinary history and nutritional value, the authors also provide tips on how to toast and store the nut, as well as how to make your own staples, such as pistachio flour, butter, milk, and paste

Artificial intelligence along the customer journey: a customer experience perspective

Digital Access

The development of several AI solutions has revolutionized the way in which consumers behave. Serving as a guide to the role that AI plays on different aspects of consumers⁰́₉ life, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of the main artificial intelligence (AI) solutions available in the market. In particular, the authors adopt a customer experience approach to investigate how different AI technologies play a role at different stages of the customer journey (e.g., from pre-purchase to post-purchase decisions). Covering a range of technologies, such as augmented reality, voice assistants, chatbots and robots, readers will be able to learn which strategies and AI solutions are more effective at different stages of the customer journey.

Facilities Management and Corporate Real Estate Management as Value Drivers: How to manage and measure adding value

Placement Code: 366.46 Jens

Facilities Management (FM) and Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) are two closely related and relatively new management disciplines with developing international professions and increasing academic attention. Both disciplines have from the outset a strong focus on controlling and reducing cost for real estate, facilities and related services. In recent years there has bee na change towards putting more focus on how FM/CREM can add value to the organisation. This book is driven by the need to develop a widely accepted and easily applicable conceptual framework of adding value by FM and CREM. It presents the state of the art of theoretical knowledge and empirical evidence about the impact of buildings and facilities on 12 vlue parameters and how to manage and measure these values. The findings are connected to a new Value Adding Management model.

Trendrapport toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd editie 45 (2024)

Plaatsingscode: 375.12 Verm

Hier vind je alle trends, branchekennis en data over de Nederlandse vrijetijdssector. Van een mondiaal perspectief tot marktkennis op domeinniveau. Kant en klare input voor jouw benchmarking en toekomstplannen. Het Trendrapport is een initiatief van NRIT, NBTC en CELTH.

Corporate real estate asset management: strategy and implementation

Placement Code: 372.2 Hayn


The second edition of Corporate Real Estate Asset Management is fully up to date with the latest thought and practice on successful and efficient use of corporate office space. Written from an occupier’s perspective, the book presents a ten-point CREAM model that offers advice on issues such as sustainability, workplace productivity, real estate performance measurement, change management and customer focus. 


International management behavior: global and sustainable leadership

Plaatsingscode: 351.31 Mazn

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of international management, structured around the core challenges and opportunities faced by global managers. This encompasses: the role of the global manager, working on an individual and organizational level, and understanding how to manage a diverse workforce. Individual chapters address key subjects, including: the global mindset, working effectively across cultures, strategy execution, change management and working in global teams. This edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect recent developments in ethics and corporate sustainability.


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Liesbeth Ramaekers

Economics & Languages, Hospitality,
Foodservice, Tourism, Minors


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Jill Penders

Economics & Languages,
Social Work, Endnote, APA


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Joan Zeguers-Lens

Economics & Languages; Hotelmanagement


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                  Nicolle Lanckohr


Economics & Languages, Gastronomic Hospitality


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