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Critical Thinking Skills

Placement Code: 130 Cott

The 4th edition features a new section on argument mapping techniques, which help readers to visualize the structures of an argument. It also contains brand new material on critical listening and viewing, which will help readers to work with a wider range of academic sources. Additional, new material on critical writing gives students the tools to produce well-founded arguments and shape their thinking on a topic. Beyond this, the 4th edition also contains new and updated examples that link to current affairs, showing the importance of critical thinking as a lifelong skill.

Ontketen je brein

Plaatsingscode: 600.52 Comp

In dit baanbrekende boek ontsluit Theo Compernolle in zijn bekende glasheldere stijl de recentste kennis over ons denkende brein en toont hij aan welke breinboeien onze hersenen vandaag in een verstikkende klemgreep houden. Maar hij laat ook zien hoe we ze kunnen ontketenen, en reikt concrete tools en tips aan om het beste uit ons brein te halen.

The contemporary hotel industry: a people management perspective (e-book)

Digital Access

This book provides a detailed account of the global hotel industry with focus on managerial work and people management. The understanding of the managers' work from a people management perspective is critical for successful hotel operations; nevertheless, it is an under researched area. Based on existing literature and extensive research carried out by the authors over fifteen years, the book explores the different aspects of managerial work in global hotel industry settings and covers core topics such general management, leadership, education and training, skills and competencies, crisis management, and managing diversity. 

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Liesbeth Ramaekers

Economics & Languages, Hospitality,
Foodservice, Tourism, Minors


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Jill Penders

Economics & Languages,
Social Work, Endnote, APA


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Joan Zeguers-Lens

Economics & Languages; Hotelmanagement


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                  Nicolle Lanckohr


Economics & Languages, Gastronomic Hospitality


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