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NIEUW: digitaal of in het boekenrek ...

HOSTA 2024 : the Benelux hotel industry

Digital Access & Placement Code: 375.2 Host

The HOSTA report aims to provide relevant information for hoteliers as well as investors, bankers, project developers, municipal authorities, industry organisations and anybody with an interest in the middle and upper segments of the Benelux Hotel industry.

Basic protocols on emotions, senses, and foods

Digital access

This volume combines well-established state-of-the-art techniques and innovative technologies in the field of emotions and applying them to food and sensory sciences. Chapter guide readers through explicit measures of emotions, protocols enabling the measure of implicit aspects of emotions, and protocols enabling analysis of complex and voluminous data generated by emotion studies in food science.

Contemporary issues in luxury brand management

Placement Code: 369.1 Stud

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the key themes surrounding luxury brand management and the core issues faced by luxury firms today. The luxury industry has undergone a series of dynamic changes in the past twenty years. Economic trends, digital transformation and changing consumer habits are creating a new competitive landscape where traditional strategies will not necessarily provide continued growth and profitability.

The Design Thinking Toolbox: a guide to mastering the most popular and valuable innovation methods

Placement Code: 366.9 Lewr

The Design Thinking Toolbox presents the most important tools and methods in the design thinking cycle. Based on the largest international survey on the use of design thinking tools, this book includes explanations of the most popular design thinking methods from experts in the field.

Reimagining luxury: building a sustainable future for your brand

Placement Code: 369.1 Verd

This comprehensive guide provides practical advice on how to shift mindsets, heartsets and practices to achieve sustainable economic growth. Whether you're an established luxury organization or a new player in the field, this book is an essential resource for navigating the changing landscape of sustainability and innovation in the 21st century.

Trend- & Transitierapport 2025

Digitale toegang & Plaatsingscode: 375.25 Reuv

De trendanalisten van Food Inspiration kijken in dit rapport vooruit naar trends en transities die de komende jaren bepalend zullen zijn voor onze wereld van eten, drinken, slapen en gastvrijheid.

The Hotel Revenue Bible

Placement Code : 361.11 Jord

The Hotel Revenue Bible is the “cure all” for all hotels that are ready to 10x their revenue numbers. This book allows you to increase your revenue with little to no additional expenses. The Hotel Revenue Bible will finally allow you to stop cutting expenses and focus on increasing your real problem and that's revenue. 

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Liesbeth Ramaekers

Economics & Languages, Hospitality,
Foodservice, Tourism, Minors


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Jill Penders

Economics & Languages,
Social Work, Endnote, APA


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Joan Zeguers-Lens

Economics & Languages; Hotelmanagement


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                  Nicolle Lanckohr


Economics & Languages, Gastronomic Hospitality


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