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EndNote Basic ENG: Exporting references


Make sure you are logged in into EndNote Basic when you start exporting! After importing a reference: always check to see if it needs editing!

Chrome: click on the file that appears in the lower left corner of the screen:

Internet Explorer: click on 'Open' in the download bar:


A reference for a record from DiZ can be imported directly into EndNote Basic.
Click on an article. On the right, under Tools, choose Cite:

In the screen that appears, click in the yellow bar on the blue text "Export to bibliographic Management software":

Then choose the option "Direct Export to EndNote Web", and click Save.

A new window opens with the message that the reference has been imported:

If you want to check the reference, use the search function to find it:

You can now check your reference and edit if necessary.



If you have found a book in WordCat, you can click on the Cite/Export option in the top right corner:

The next screen opens.
Choose the second option, 'Export to EndNote/Reference Manager':

A RIS-file will now be downloaded and saved.
Now follow the steps as outlined under Google Scholar to import the RIS file into EndNote Basic.


Open the article you want to cite.
Click on Tools (located under the title), and then on Export Citation.

The Download Citation screen opens,
Under Format, select RIS
Under Type of Import select Direct Import

Click on Download
In the next screen that appears: enter your EndNote Basic credentials.

After the reference has been exported from Wiley, you will get a notification on your screen.

Google Scholar

You need to adjust your settings before you can export from Google Scholar (

  1. Click at the top left on 
  2. Click on 
  3. Under 'Bibliography manager, select the second bullet and change 'BibTeX' to RefMan (NOT EndNote!).
  4. Click Save

The list of search results now includes 'Import into RefMan' for each publication:

Click on the Import into RefMan-link. A RIS file will now be downloaded and saved. 

There are two options, click on the file to open it in EndNote Basic, or upload the file in EndNote Basic.

Option 1:

Click on the file in the download bar of your browser. In the pop-up window that appears, choose EndNote Online and click OK:

Enter your EndNote Basic username (email) and password and click OK:

Click on the open tab of EndNote Basic, after some time the following message will appear:

The reference is now stored in your library. Check the reference, and edit if necessary. 

Option 2: 

In EndNote Basic, click on the Collect option, and then on Import Reference:

In the File option, click Browse. Find the location where the RIS file is stored, click on it, and click Open.

As Import Option, select RefMan RIS.
Next click on To: to select where the reference is placed, in a certain group, a new group, or unfiled. Then click on Import.


Google Books

If you have found a book through Google Books, you can also export the reference to EndNote.
Click on the text 'About the book' in the left menu.

Scroll all the way down  in the screen that opens until you reach the bibliographic information:

Click here on the option RefMan, a RIS-file will now be downloaded and saved.
Now follow the steps as outlined under Google Scholar to import the RIS file into EndNote Basic.


Once you have found an article, right click on Cite Article:

Click on the RIS option.
Now follow the steps as outlined under Google Scholar to import the RIS file into EndNote Basic.


Once you have found an article, click in the top menu on Export:

Select the option Export Citation to RIS. Now follow the steps as outlined under Google Scholar to import the RIS file into EndNote Basic.

Web of Science

  1. Use Zuyd Library to visit Web of Science
  2. Enter a search query.
  3. Check the search results you want to import into your EndNote Basic library.
  4. Click on Save to EndNote Online


You can find the imported references under "unfiled" references.


There are three ways to export your search results:

1. Open an article by clicking on it to export the reference for this article only.
2. Put a check mark in the results list next to the article you want to export. You can also tick multiple items to export.
3. First collect interesting articles on the clipboard
    and then export the collected list from the clipboard.

Search results can be exported directly to EndNote by using the button 'Send to > Citation manager > Create file'.

A NBIB-file will now be downloaded and saved:

Click on the file:

In the pop-up window that apperas, choose EndNote Online and click OK:

Enter your EndNote Basic username (email) and password and click OK:

After some time the following message will appear:

The reference(s) are now stored in your library. | Disclaimer | Over Zuyd Bibliotheek